32 articles in the category: Advice
Vanilla pods: how to use them?
Published : 01/26/2022 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarTo get the best out of a vanilla pod, there are rules to follow. Vanilla is a noble product and it should be used as well as possible in order to extract the maximum of flavours.
New harvest of Bourbon vanilla from the Comoros for the 2021 season
Published : 12/10/2021 | Categories : AdvicestarstarstarstarstarSambavanilla team is proud to present the first vanilla pods from the Comoros 2021 harvest.
Should you throw away your used vanilla beans?
Published : 12/09/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarVanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world and it should be exploited to the maximum. Did you know that it is possible to use a vanilla pod several times?
What does Tonka bean smell like?
Published : 09/23/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarNative to South America, more specifically Venezuela and Brazil, the Tonka bean grows in a tree known as dipterix odorata, commonly known as "teak".
Liquorice sticks: The different possible uses
Published : 08/20/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarSambavanilla invites you to go back to your childhood and discover how to use licorice sticks in cooking.
How to cook the Tonka bean?
Published : 08/02/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarTonka bean: Find out how to cook this spice at Sambavanilla, which specializes in online sales of spices from around the world.
What are the benefits of dried bananas?
Published : 06/15/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarSambavanilla reveals the benefits of dried bananas.
What does Tonka bean taste like ?
Published : 05/28/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarWhat does Tonka bean taste like? Sambavanilla tells you more about it in this article
The spices that make your dishes tastier
Published : 04/21/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarThis month, let's explore or rediscover the spices that make your dishes more tasty.
Hibiscus flower: All you need to know about this plant ?
Published : 03/24/2021 | Categories : News from Sambavanilla , AdvicestarstarstarstarstarSambavanilla answers a few questions about the hibiscus flower