Sales condition

Sales condition


These conditions of sale define the contractual relationship between Sambavanilla and the customer as well as the conditions applicable to any purchase made on the site, whether the customer is professional or private.

The act of purchase implies the unconditional acceptance by the customer of these conditions of sale.

These conditions of sale will prevail over any other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by Sambavanilla.

Sambavanilla reserves the right to modify the conditions of sale at any time. The applicable conditions are those in force on the date of the customer's purchase.


The customer has the option of contacting Sambavanilla by email or by phone to order or for any information. Payments by check, bank transfer, credit card or Paypal are accepted.

Orders are managed in the order of their arrival and to the extent of the availability of products offered for sale. In case of out of stock, we inform the customer who can then renounce his purchase. In this case all the sums involved would be fully refunded.


The prices appearing on the sales pages are expressed in euros including all taxes.

Any order whatever its origin is payable in euros.

Sambavanilla reserves the right to modify the prices at any time. The price appearing on the sales page on the day of the order is the only one applicable to the customer.


The products are available while stocks last. In the event of unavailability of the product, Sambavanilla undertakes to inform its customer by telephone or email, as quickly as possible. Sambavanilla undertakes to offer another equivalent available product or to reimburse its customer in the event of unavailability of the product ordered.

5- Payment terms

Payment is due when ordering.

For payments by check, the order is only shipped upon receipt of the check in question, and for payment by bank transfer.

Failure to pay results in the suspension or termination of the order

Payment can be made via Paypal (PayPal Europe S.à rl & Cie, SCA 22-24 Boulevard Royal. 5th floor. 2449 Luxembourg), which uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol so that the information transmitted is encrypted by software and that no third party can become aware of it during transport on the Internet.

The Customer is not required to have a PayPal account to pay for the order. On the payment page, there is an option dedicated to non-holders of a account that the Customer can use.

Sambavanilla not being responsible for the site, it can in no way be held responsible by the Customer for the consequences of misuse of said sites on his part, nor for the inaccessibility of this site if the eventuality came to present himself.

The Customer's account will be debited immediately.

6- Delivery terms

The products are delivered to the address indicated by the customer at the time of the order.

The customer must check the condition of the package upon receipt and possibly report any defect or damage to the carrier in the form of handwritten and signed reservations. He will have to inform Sambavanilla the same day. In the event of a delivery error, any product must be returned in its original packaging after agreement with Sambavanilla. The product will then be returned or exchanged, shipping costs will be refunded, except in the event that the returned product does not correspond to the declaration made by the customer.

Sipping costs are free of charge when order amount is over 70 € in France, 150 € in European Union and 250 € worldwide.

The Products are delivered to homes by post, courier, or relay point. The customer can also request a hand delivery at Sambavanilla headquarters in "click & collect" mode.

The delivery times indicated are the most common times and are indicative. Sambavanilla undertakes to deliver between 2 and 5 days, excluding weekends and public holidays, except in cases of force majeure. Sambavanilla cannot be held responsible for the vagaries of carriers.

Deadlines for overseas shipments are 5 to 10 days.

7- Order

The Customer acknowledges having verified the suitability of the Product for his needs and having received from Sambavanilla all the information necessary for him to subscribe to this commitment in full knowledge of the facts.

The Customer declares to have the legal capacity or to hold parental authorization allowing him to place an order on the Site.

The Customer declares that the bank account associated with the payment card or account that he uses during payment is his own or that he has the legitimate authorization of its owner to use it.

8- Right to retract

In accordance with articles L-121-16 and following of the Consumer Code, the customer has a period of fourteen days to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or pay penalties, with the exception of costs. back. When the fourteen-day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, it is extended until the 1st following working day. The returned product must be in perfect condition, and returned in its original packaging. It must be returned by registered post with acknowledgment of receipt, accompanied by the invoice. Any damaged product or whose packaging is damaged will not be subject to any exchange or refund.

9- Responsibility

The Product complies with the French legislation in force and the standards applicable in France. Sambavanilla cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the Product is delivered. It is up to the Customer to check with the local authorities of his country of residence the possibilities of using the Product that he intends to order on the Site.

Sambavanilla cannot be held responsible for the non-delivery of the Product if the Customer's address provided on the payment site or by any other means is out of date or invalid, or if the Customer's letterbox is inaccessible or not. functional.

10-Applicable law -dispute.

The sale between Sambavanilla and its client is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, only the Commercial Court of Paris is competent, even in the event of multiple defendants or warranty calls