The best strawberry arranged rum recipes

It's strawberry season so take advantage of it. The strawberry is the perfect fruit to prepare tasty rums that you can share with your friends during the summer season.
We have chosen three emblematic recipes of strawberries-based arranged rums and suggest that you discover them.
For strawberries, we recommend the Gariguette variety which, according to our experience, releases sweet and tangy aromas and brings a beautiful color to the preparations. Of course, you can choose other varieties, but only on condition that you select ripe strawberries.
To start, we offer the essential strawberry basil rum.
Rum strawberry basil
The aroma of basil and the flavor of strawberries is a pure delight. We add our personal touch with a few gourmet vanilla pods.
A little exoticism with the following recipe where we combine strawberries with black wild pepper from Madagascar.
Strawberry and wild pepper arranged rum
Voatsiperifery wild pepper combines its citrus and spice flavors with the sweetness of strawberries, all complemented with a few vanilla bourbon pods.
Finally a final preparation while freshness based on strawberries and kiwis.
Strawberry kiwi arranged rum
The slightly tart flavor of kiwi wonderfully enhances the aromas of strawberries, all accompanied by gourmet vanilla.
And you what is your favorite preparation?