“Girl Ignite Sava Academy” The first Vanilla School in Sambava

Vanilla cultivation is becoming increasingly important. Vanilla is available in different forms: in pods, powder, flavours and sugar. The noblest form of vanilla and the one that will give you the best flavour is of course the bean. But how do you grow quality vanilla? And where can you learn the basics? Until now there has been no training or school to learn the vanilla business.
The “Girl Ignite Sava Academy” is an educational initiative that aims to empower girls and young women in the Sava region of Madagascar. The academy is a programme set up by the NGO Girl Ignite Africa, which focuses on the education, empowerment and leadership of girls and young women in Africa.
The "Girl Ignite Sava Academy" is the first Vanilla school in Sambava, and its aim is both to offer training leading to qualifications to young Madagascan women in order to make them more autonomous, and also to strengthen the know-how around the Vanilla trades.
Thanks to an authorisation to open the school, as well as the approval of the course of study, this vocational training school opened its doors to the vanilla industry on 5 December last, and no less than fifteen learners make up the first class.
In order to help those who wish to perfect their skills, "Girl Ignite Sava Academy" offers two courses including vanilla planting and preparation. For further training, English and French language courses are also offered. After completing the vocational training programme, students can qualify as a "skilled worker".
The Girl Ignite Sava Academy is particularly important in a region where girls are often left behind in education and personal development. The programme helps girls gain the skills and confidence to engage in community projects, pursue careers and become leaders in their communities.
Because vanilla cultivation is constantly developing, the "Girl Ignite Sava Academy" is a great initiative to promote excellence in the vanilla industry and to restore the image of Madagascar's vanilla, which had lost some of its quality to the detriment of quantitative yield.
At Sambavanilla, we encourage the development of such initiatives and actively support small local producers to participate in this program.