
Dried Jackfruit from Madagascar

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Genuine dried Jackfruit from Madagascar selected by Sambavanilla.
Jackfruit is a tree native to India that can be found in most tropical regions and more particularly in Madagascar.
It produces a particularly delicious fruit known as the "jackfruit apple" which can weigh up to 40 kg.
weight (grams)
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
  • 250

Dried Jackfruit from Madagascar

Jackfruit is a green and rough-skinned fruit that is sometimes confused with durian.

It grows mainly in the tropic area and its nourishing price makes it a very interesting food, increasingly popular in vegetarian cuisine.

The ripe fruit has a slightly strong smell, but its mild and sweet flavor will amaze the taste buds of gourmets.

On the flavor side, the Jacque has a "tropical" taste halfway between pineapple and mango.

It can be eaten directly dried or rehydrated for the preparation of sweet and savory recipes.

If you are a lover of Reunionese cuisine then you certainly already know a Jackfruit-based recipe such as Jackfruit curry.

The dried Jackfruit is also an essential ingredient for the preparation of arranged rums. Do not hesitate to combine it with lychees, vanilla, cinnamon, ...

I can't resist posting you the link to an essential recipe in Réunion: the "Rhum Ti Jacques"

Rhum Ti Jacque

Dried fruits are recommended for the preparation of arranged rums because they do not contain water and guarantee the preservation of all the flavors of the fruits.

Did you know:

Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world and can weigh up to 40 kg. It grows only on the trunk and the larger branches of the tree because the smaller branches would not resist its weight. The trees are said to be of the "cauliflora" species.

Jacques -25 gr
Dried Jackfruit from Madagascar
Reviews about this product

Based on 49 reviews

  • 5

    I did not know, good product (Translated review)

  • 3

    Strange odor to see after filtering (Translated review)

  • 3

    Not enough smell (Translated review)

  • 5

    ? (Translated review)

  • 5


  • 4

    waiting for result after maceration (Translated review)

  • 4

    en attente de résultat apres maceration

  • 4

    Very good smell (Translated review)

  • 4

    Très bonne odeur

  • 4

    Not used (Translated review)

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